Originally Posted by Johnny Danger
In addition to style, you should also keep in mind the importance of quality. Depending upon your level of perfectionism, all of these body kits and aero parts require an awful lot of fine detail work in order to achieve "factory" like fit and finish. During my search for a kit for my vehicle, I discovered that there were vast differences with regard to quality and construction amongst a wide range of manufactures . Don't be fooled by anyone who tells you that these parts come primed and ready to be installed "out of the box". Be prepared to spend some time and money having it installed by an experienced professional.
Johnny, quick question- I've noticed on another Boxster owner's car who has a fiberglass replica of the GT3 bumper that he has some nasty rock chips on it...and I'm not talking about small chips, but some chunks that came off from rocks hitting it on the freeway at high speeds presumably...and it looks just awful. With a fiberglass front bumper, is this inevitable, or is the solution just getting a clear bra installed? Even with the clear bra, however, I'm thinking if you get bumped lightly by another car in a parking lot, your bumper will be cracked, as opposed to the OEM polyurethane bumper just deforming and then bouncing back to shape (as mine has a couple times already). Or, do the higher quality fiberglass bumpers have a flexible nature to them?