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Old 09-03-2010, 08:37 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by sdlong329
Well, just to put things in perspectve, I have been working with MB & Corvette since 1977. For years, many shops will use proper (OEM) parts ... while many shops do what they can to cut costs, to try to turn a profit. Feel free to use what you want to use. However, Mercedes-Benz, Chevrolet, BMW, and yes, even Porsche DESIGN their cars with specific jacking equipment in mind. NOBODY, not even me, is telling you what you are supposed to use. That being said, it's great that there are several people confirming what I have said about the rubber degrading. So, while you may have never seen a puck or piece of rubber fail, IT DOES HAPPEN!

All that being said, while I am new to THIS forum, I would normally expect normal decorum. Most forums request that nobody hijacks a thread, and also mandate a good will policy or not interfering. As your mother used to say, if you don;t have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Uhh...maybe you should read more threads and posts on this forum. We, its members, approve of opposing views, if they are supported. We like making informed decisions and don't consider materials presented in opposition to an initial viewpoint as constituting a 'hijack' if they intelligently address the subject at hand.

Nobody is saying you can't use a hockey puck. Nor is anyone saying you must use one. At the same time, you should not be trying to tell anyone what they can, and cannot use. Again, I really don't think that happened here. You may prefer Mobil 1, someone else may prefer Castrol, but that does not mean only one person is correct. For anyone to tell another individual they cannot use Castrol is deplorable ... as if the only thing that matters is your own personal opinion. Again, you're confused...JFP likes Castrol...he wouldn't dream of telling someone they cannot use it.

So, if you use a hockey puck - great! However, with several people confirming their resiliency issues, if someone wants to use an alternate product - whether it is something you approve of or not - let them! He IS! We ARE! Use it, if you so choose! But be smart enough to listen to more than one side of the story before making that choice! There is more than three flavors of ice cream. If you don't like one - don't force it upon everyone else. Verstehen Sie?

I will post the link for tensile strength ... THEN let me hear what you have to say about the engineering. In the interim, if you must interject, please tell people how unnecessary it is to use Mobil 1, Pirelli, Michelin, or OEM parts. Various well-respected members here have, through the years, voiced well reasoned negative opinions some aspects of all of the above. Why, for example, pay top dollar for an OEM replacement part when an equally good one can be had for much less? That does happen, and I for one like to hear about peoples' experiences---good or bad--- using the less expensive replacement. I mean, after all, a Porsche is really only a '63 VW bug at heart - right? A Carrera is really the same as a 924 - right? All cars with four wheels are 100% identical, and there is no difference other than the sum of their parts.

I was not on a tirade ... rather ... it seems as though at least one person feels it appropriate to set *their own* agenda (The guy owns a repair shop...I'm pretty sure he's not selling hockey pucks on the side. He has NO pecuniary interest here!), and wants to make sure everyone else agrees with their logic. Nobody asked for your input (Read more threads in this forum---people ask for his opinion all the time!) ... accordingly, your own input is unnecessary, and overpriced. Incorrect---it's frequently helpful,'s FREE! For that matter, so is a Porsche. Nobody NEEDS a car ... and if they did ... they don't need a Porsche ... yet I'd think most people on this forum have a Porsche. Oh well, there's a flaw in your logic. I'll look some more...but I haven't found it yet.

BTW - I do not have a local Ferrari dealer.

Check these links on Tensile Strength ... then tell me how wrong the authors and engineers are, and how a $1.29 Czech Republic piece of rubber has superior design and durability.

Don't get the wrong idea: We appreciate your input, your ideas and even, potentially, your jacking pucks. I'm sure they are well made, durable, and do a very good job. But cost IS a factor here. Hockey pucks ARE pretty durable and while I suppose one could possibly fail, I don't see that happening in a catastrophic fashion. They're not brittle, they're not going to fail in a sudden, explosive kind of way. They, I imagine, just kind of slowly wear out and might, I suppose, even crack at some point. Big deal---you go get another. BTW, I have no agenda here either. I use neither your product nor a hockey puck. Check it out below---might even be cheaper than a hockey puck, and works great

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