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Old 07-21-2010, 05:45 AM   #6
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Posts: 76
Thank you for responding Jake. I was hoping you would chime in!

I am very excited about doing the retrofit, but I only hope you understand where I am coming from. In theory, everything that I have read about it suggests that it there is no reason why it shouldn't last for 100k miles or more. It is explained very well on LN's site and by yourself and Charles on this and other sites. I guess I am more curious if anyone has been able to really get a lot of miles on these. So I guess that's why I was hoping you would respond. I figured you were probably the only one who has really put these to the test through your development with LN and its good to see that you have been since 1999. Makes me feel a lot better about paying the premium for the retrofit instead of swapping it for a steel bearing.

I guess If i don't like it, I could always use the material and have Amedica swap out my bones. I can be like Wolverine, but with ceramic instead of animantium. HA!!!!
2003 Porsche Boxster S

Last edited by gwoodburn; 07-21-2010 at 06:03 AM.
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