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Old 06-30-2010, 09:28 AM   #4
Burg Boxster
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Originally Posted by fatmike
It will work out very well. Keep in mind that 40 years ago houses cost $10K. We are living in an age of inflation -- take off the blinders.

There is a nice Karman Ghia (ugly orange) near my house. I see it a lot sitting in a garage all the time hooked up to a battery charger. What do you think that car would sell for these days??? $10K? What do you think it cost new? Maybe $2K?

There is no question that the 986 will be collectible 30 years down the road. No question at all. It has everything that the Karman Ghia has and more. Don't forget 30 years from now, there will be far fewer 986s available. By then most (like mine) will be long gone...

LOL - My blinders are off Inflation is a completely different animal than what was implied as an increase in "value" all for having a "good" one, which one hopes will reach collectible status and be in demand.

Point was more directed at it being a less than stellar move to have spent $50k ten years ago hoping to turn it into ONLY $100k 20-30 years from now (even if you exclude the other sunk costs of storage, maintenance, insurance, etc. for 20-30 years).

Or to use your example...
Suppose you took your $2k back in the late 1950s and instead invested it. How excited would you be to have $10k from it today (again even excluding sunk costs for storage, maintenance, insurance, etc. for 50+ years). Ready to retire?

In all sincerity, there's one truth and that is 100% of cars are depreciating assets. A very very very very rare few after depreciating in value may end up being be "worth" something, some day, somewhere. However, there are way too many countless outside influences which will cause most everyone who wants to make this bet lose $ in the long haul as opposed to making it. This is especially true if hedging w/ just one model vehicle let alone one with high production #s.

As I said before, until then I'll take either Boxster to drive and enjoy as often as I can and not worry about what it might sell for, for someone else a long time from now.

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