Thread: AC doesn't..
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Old 06-28-2010, 10:50 AM   #4
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if the fans are blowing air, then it is compressor and or the evaporator. If it is the evaporator, then usally when you first start the car after it rests, you will hear the compressor clicking on and off ( with the access door or the top cover off).

The evaporator does not usally go bad, it is almost always the compressor.

The easy way to tell is to go to auto store and buy the tool with the gauges and a can of coolent.R134

find the low pressure port and put a can or two in, also the gagues should read low if there is a leak.

if the compressor clicks on and cool air blows, you know it is the compressor via the low gas pressure that is the cause. now more important is why you have a leak. finding a leak is not easy.

if the pressure gague reads full and the car does not need coolent, then the compressor is bad.

your car is newer so I would check the electrical part of the system first, make sure a relay or fuse is not blown, then I would check to see if there is coolent pressure.

here is a website i found for you to read. then idea is the same for any car.
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