Thread: Need new axles
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Old 06-26-2010, 03:54 PM   #2
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Well, I'm no mechanic (though I'm workin' on that!), but since no one else seems to responding to your question, I thought I'd give you my 2 cents. My boots went a few thousand miles ago, and (not wanting to pay the outrageous amounts charged by the stealerships) I took the car to an indie that was recommended by someone who used to frequent this forum quite a bit but only shows up occasionally these days. (He's clearly handy: threw a supercharger on his Boxster---did all the work by himself---you can read the thread if you're interested. So, I figured if he recommended this shop, it was probably a good choice.)

The mechanic there said he'd replace both axles (w/ boots, etc.) for $400. That's parts and labor. If I wanted the OEM ones rebuilt (grease, boots, etc.), it was going to be $525. At first, I was totally inclined to just replace them: new axles at a lesser price---no-brainer, right? Later, I found out that the axles he was proposing to replace the originals with were "FEQ"s, apparently made in China. He said he'd used them lots of times on P-cars and had always had good luck with them. I PM'd a number of forum members here about what I should do. The general consensus was that, while the after market ones may be just fine, they generally would not be inclined to use them.

Again, I don't know a lot about this, but are you sure yours are shot? My impression is that it takes quite awhile after the boot is torn before significant damage would occur (assuming you're not spending a lot of time on dusty, dirt roads I suppose). You might want to see if an assessment of the condition of the OEM ones can be done.
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