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Old 06-24-2010, 08:54 PM   #18
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posts: 150
Is the problem real? Sure it is.
The problem with everyone here is no one knows for sure how many Boxsters had such failure to come up with a real number, percentage wise.
Most of the time you do not see people posting on the Internet how great things are, how their engines are doing great at 40k, 60k, 80k and so on. Most will go and post when things go wrong. That is why you see more posts about bad things that happened than good ones. I do not mean IMS only. Look on the Internet for information about your LCD or Plasma sets. Your bluray players. And so on.
Just to give you some numbers, Porsche delivered its 200,000 Boxster on November, 20, 2006. If we simply play with numbers, the total number of Boxsters sold by now is probably somewhere between 250,000 and 280,000. Out of these how many do you guys think that failed with the IMS? Over 5,000? Under 5,000?
The mechanic that takes care of mine, that worked for Porsche for several years only saw 2 at his shop.
Sure Jake will see more. If he is the specialist on dealing with this issue (before or after it fails) people will come to him. So it is obvious he will see way more than anything else.
For the exact same reason companies come to my company when they need to deploy Remote Access solutions for 50,000 users or more. Not many companies do that.
I am 100% sure that Jake and all the other guys that see IMS failures on a daily basis have NOT seen more than 5,000. Guaranteed. If that is indeed the case, given the production numbers we are probably talking about 1% to 1.5% failures.
Probably several other cars from different brands do have very similar failure rates. The problem is when IMS goes bad, it DOES go REALLY bad. Like get a new engine.
When time comes I will do the RMS/Clutch/IMS in one shot just for the peace of mind. But again, I do know chances are on my side (98% or more) that this will NOT happen to me.

Price for the job:
Where I am, my guy asked me for 6 hours of labor to do it all. $432 as he charges $72 per hour.
Parts you can get all (Clutch Kit, RMS, IMS retrofit) for probably $1400-$1500.
So in my case I can get all done for under $1900. As I know I will be doing all this what I am doing is buying the parts upfront, every month so I do not need to spend all that in one shot. Easier on my wallet and makes the wife think running a Boxster is not that much.

Please Jake and others, do not see my reply as an insult or anything like that. I do appreciate all you guys have done and still do for the Porsche Community out there and I do thank you for that. My take on this, as you could see is very simple. The numbers do show a small percentage of the cars are affected for sure what proves the issue is not widespread (to be widespread we would be talking about at least 25,000 with the problem what everyone probably agrees is not the case). Does this mean it will never happen to you? You have over 98%+ chances on your side.
The bottom line is determining how comfortable you feel about that 1% to 1.5%.


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