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Old 06-21-2010, 07:48 AM   #44
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Seattle Area
Posts: 3,011
Originally Posted by Lil bastard
OK... Day#1. Got up at 3am for a 5am flight to Palm Beach. Picked up by the owner and drove the car to the Lawyer handling the sale. The Owner tried to renegotiate the deal! I called a cab to go back to the airport, and he finally signed the papers. Felt sorry for the guy, but that's all I could do... feel sorry for him. He did not have to sell me the car.

Anyway, all the drama extended my time on the ground, so I only made 500 miles before calling it a day.

The car is fanatastic. It's so tight, it's hard to believe it's 20 yrs. old. The power is amazing and I got better than 28 MPG and I was at 80 or above the whole day.

Leaving tomorrow @ 5am for a quick stop in Macon and then northward. If the car and I feel up to it, I may marathon it to get home, but most likely will make another stop and take it easy the rest of the way.

It is so much improved from the SC. Yes, it's heavier and less tactile, but not by much. It's advantages, esp. the suspension more than make up for them IMHO.

Hope tomorrow's cool enough to actually do some top-down driving, today was near 100 and I did AC all the way.

I'm in Minneapolis this week. It was a beautiful weekend for a convertible Porsche.
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