Originally Posted by Flavor 987S
What oil did you elect to run in your air cooled engine?
I went with the recommendation given by Autoworks.
Randy, the owner of Autoworks said that he currently recommends Penzoil full synthetic. Says it's one of the best out there. This is a guy who makes his living servicing niche and import cars and depends on maintaining a loyal client base, it would not serve him to recommend an inferior oil.
Personally, I'm not sucked into the arguements that one oil is vastly different than another. There are differences to be sure, but in my case, I don't put enough miles on the car annually to use up the additive package before swapping the oil again for it's annual hibernation. I believe it's much more important to swap the oil often (7500 mi. or annually at least) and this probably has more to do with prolonging the life of the engine and it's components than any particular nationally recognized brand of synthetic. Just MHO of course.