A quality PPI on an air cooled Porsche is about $1,200-$1,500. By skipping the leakdown testing, you may have made a huge mistake. You don't know the true health of the engine.
The PPI you did at Champion amounts to a simple used car check-list that they charged you about $270 for.
My comment regarding the spark plug change has nothing to do about providing "free maintenance" to the prior owner. During a leakdown test the plugs are already out, if the numbers are good (on your specific car I would expect values in the 2% range +/- 1% and within a very tight range of each other...<5%) and you plan to keep the car, put new plugs in for a few dollars more. No brainer. Plugs are cheap. Labor to get to the plugs is not.
My comment "wishing you purchased a turbo" is becuase the 964 will feel very-very slow compared to your Boxster. When I was adding to my collection last year, and in search for an air cooled Porsche (which took me 21 months and 4 PPI's to find the "right car for me") the 993 C2's and C4's did not offer me any performance above my current 2006 987S. In fact they have the same HP. 280/282 and the 993 weights more...about 250 pounds. That's why it took me so long to find the right air cooled Porsche. A 1997 993 Turbo (less than 500 are in the USA).
Doing the proper $1,200 PPI on my specific Porsche protected me from buying a Porsche that would require a +$12,000 top-end rebuild. Granted, it will require one some day....just not for 40-60,000 miles from now!
You are right about the linear power delivery regarding a Turbo. But the 993 Turbo is a twin turbo with very-very minimal lag. The 964 is a single turbo, and has significant lag. With the 997.2TT turbo lag is non existent.
Enjoy your new car.
Last edited by Flavor 987S; 06-13-2010 at 04:58 PM.