Thread: CEL 1530 Help
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Old 05-17-2010, 09:34 AM   #4
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Posts: 39
OK One more question here.

2 weeks ago for fun I used a friends code reader to see if there was anything in the computer even though I had NO CEL Ligit on. It said "pending P1530". (Camshaft adjustment bank1). I ignored it since there was no light on.

The CEL came on last week and I just read it today with the same code reader and it has a P1539 code. Same thing but "Bank 2" No other codes at all. Car seems to run perfect.

The original P1530 is no longer displayed on the reader also...

What is a common link between a 1530 and 1539? If it was an actuator or solenoid wouldn't the problem stay in "bank 1" or "bank 2"?

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