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Old 06-29-2005, 10:58 AM   #21
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 435
Boy, how about that Indy thing, huh?

Back to Boxsters, for those of you who go to the track regularly, but use the same tires for street and track (not looking for those with the extra set of wheels in the garage with competition tires, even though that is indeed the right thing for the track) what street/track tires have you used, and how did you like them?
Went to TireRack's survey poll, and it looks like Bridgestone S-03s and Michelin PS2s got the highest marks (but in a variety of car types on street use). Can anybody with track experience illuminate me on a good street/track tire? Cost and wear are of interest, but tire performance is what I'm trying to uncover. thanks.

I was bummed over Indy too. I've followed F-1 for decades, including the 7 years I lived in Italy and rooted for Ferrari alongside my Italian friends. It's not a sport there; it's a passion. Hated to see this happen at THE US RACE, and hope somebody figures it out and fixes it. I'm still not sure we know "the real truth" on all that transpired. The politics and economics involved can be ugly at times. Anybody think NASCAR is clean?

Good tire stories? Anybody?
Maybe an extra set of wheels/tires IS the answer.
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