Originally Posted by Matt Fredrikson
I've got quite the bad ticking sound from behind the drivers side. Happens at 2800 rpm till around 3200 rpm everytime without fail. Most able to hear it in gears 1,2,3. I'm thinking bad axle since I had all 4 boots done in January when I did my clutch but a couple joints were in bad shape and the dealer recomended replacing both axles. At 1000 a pop that wasn't going to happen. Any ideas where to start? Idle is quiet and revs up to that point quiet. Possibly tension idlers? Thanks for any help guys.
Might be a lifter problem, I would change your oil if it has been over 3000 miles since it was changed. Doubt the axles have anything to do with the ticking as they should be quieter with new grease & boots. If your CV joints are bad enough to need replacing they will make noise when you go around turns under power.