Originally Posted by JackG
Don't forget that the tires were *unsafe* in the area of the track that they wanted to place the chicane. If the teams would have gone ahead and run the race, it is likely that there would have been tire failures, wrecks, and possible deaths. Is that really what everyone wants?
Yes, Michelin failed to produce a tire that could hold up to the stress in that one area of the track. When they realized it, they proposed a solution that would let them still run their cars without exposing their drivers to excessive danger. When that didn't fly, they protected themselves by running the warmup lap, then did the only thing they could do... they protected their drivers by pulling out of the race.
It sucks to spend all the money that fans did, just to see that. Would you rather see a couple of drivers die? You'd be screaming for Michelin's head if they knowingly let their drivers run tires that wouldn't hold up, and someone died.
I think they did what they had to do.
Other than calling them in a polite way a**holes I can't come to terms with their actions. Safety is paramount granted but the obligation to the public overrides that. MIchelin had ample time to prepare for this race and they had all the data from all previous 5 events there. It would be ludicrous to believe their "raison" oh we made a boo boo.

The tires are engineered not by one person but a whole team of engineers on this case they should fire the whole team. The FIA in their study came to the conclusion that chicane would not reduced Michelin's problem but even compound it. It was an outright sham to line up and then go the pits. As far as I/m concerned fine them right up to the nose for this grieveous infraction. I would like to imagine this incident done in Europe or any place the fans would have burned the place down!
The FIA should do away with the one tire rule for the whole race since it is a safety issue. It already has happened to Raikkomen, R Shumacher but so far escaping the grim reaper. Eventually the laws of probability will catch up and blood will be spilled. It is unsafe to use the same of tires the same race because it deludes the faster concept favoring tempering your race to save the tires. In car racing that is dumb, always has , always will.