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Old 04-07-2010, 08:51 AM   #15
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ARModen, you were much younger then too. Don't forget that your metabolism rate reduces as you age.

CRCguy, I have take four very long trips in my boxster now. When I'm by myself there's plenty of interior room because I throw stuff in the passenger side. However, when the wife is along there's no place for her purse, the mini cooler, the small blanket for when she's cold (I'm never cold... typical man I guess) and so forth.

It's only on long trips with my wife that I wish I had a 911 coupe. Driving long distances on the freeway with the top down is really noisy and not what it's cracked up to be in my mind. I usually keep the top up on long trips to regulate temperature in the cabin, lower the noise, and be able to hear my stereo or my passenger speak at normal tones.

Of course, the other time I wish I had a 911 coupe is when I want to put my foot in it and get the same acceleration I have in my BMW 550i—and that's when I am totally underwhelmed by my boxster's puny motor. Even the 3.4 S motors in the newer boxsters don't have the torque of my V8 Bimmer motor. For that reason, having a C4S or a Turbo is what I'd trade up to if I had oodles of cash.

... and I would never look back and wish I still had a convertible. Might be different if I lived in SOCAL where it's 75 degrees most of the year, but that ain't the case here in Sauna City, USA.
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