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Old 04-06-2010, 10:53 PM   #12
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Posts: 120
Originally Posted by ARModen
The interior size difference really isn't that much. The 911's barely a 4 seater. I'd bet the difference between the volume of the back seat in the 911 and the boxster's rear trunk+area on top of the engine is pretty small. My dad and I did 1400 miles from Arizona to Louisiana and never had any claustrophobia issues. We're both decent sized guys, and we had the top up the second half to minimize our skin cancer. I think my dogs get claustrophobic after about 8 hours of traveling.

good stuff! that's quite a trip. hell, 8hrs would take me all the way down to Tuscany I think! quite reassuring. thanks

As for fat chicks...I must say that one of the reasons I really like it here is that in general women (and men) are much better looking, esp w.r.t weight. My last trip back to the states was a real eye opener. I went to pay for gas and there was a 300lb+ woman with two fat kids (no more than 5 or 6yrs old). she was buying pork rinds and a 32oz coke (not diet). The fat hanging off her arms almost knocked the coke over when she went to pay. My taxes will be paying for her triple by-pass in a few years. it just disgusted me. There is little incentive to be healthy in the states. here in switzerland, one's health insurance (which is mandatory for everyone) is cheaper the better shape you're in. what a concept. yes, you'll find seriously overweight people here, but it's very rare. you won't see someone circle a grocery store parking lot 3 times waiting for that spot 20ft from the door, burning dino oil instead of burning body fat by walking a hundred feet. In fact, you see business men in full suits riding a bike to work rather than driving. of course, it's not so feasible in the states giving the infrastructure, but even if bike paths were present everywhere, you'd still never see such a thing. when gas is cheaper than milk, there's little incentive to do the right thing. gas here is over $6/gal. I will only use this boxster (or 911) for occasional trips, not daily use. But I digress---that's a whole other thread....
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