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Old 03-28-2010, 10:21 AM   #2
Gary H
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: London, UK
Posts: 155
7) We only require the mounting ring from the original , so cut all the way round...

8) and then seprate by cutting out the cone by the rubber ring surround

9) What you're left with looks simple, but is invaluable for a quick and easy fix:

10) you will need to cut the lugs down, approx half-way and go for a trial fitting. It's better to have a tight fit than a loose one - as the four lugs will be the securing points on to the mounting ring

11) Once your happy with the fit, hot glue/silicone the bottoms of the lugs, and pull up the mounting ring. Once the glue has gone off/set, use the foam supplied with the speakers to seal the edge the whole way round

12) I decided to get rid of as much of the dirty, dusty crumbly foam from the inside of the grill as I could:

13) Finally, re-assemble the speaker with the now attached mounting ring back onto the grill housing using the three screws that you removed to take off the speaker.

The Kappas have a lead with a +ive and -ive junction box so rather than try and re-use the old connector, I simply cut off the connector, bared back the wires and screwed them in to the junction box. IIRC Yellow and Yellow/brown and red and red/brown were the speaker wire colours, the brown stripe indicating negative.

Before remounting the speakers, I managed to stuff approx 12" square of acoustic wadding down the cavity.

14) AS a final touch, I prised off the infinity badges from the original grills and managed to get them glued to the car's.

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