You seem impressed by the visual aspects of the car
rather than features/options, condition, and even more expensive things like tires.
So why not wait for something already tarted up to your liking...the add-ons frequently add nothing to the selling price and you wouldn't have to pay for them separately.
The difference in value between a well maintained mid to higher mileage car and one that hasn't been very well maintained can be in the thousands...dollars or makes no difference. So get a very knowledgeable mechanic to go over the car and do what we call here a Pre-Purchase Inspection and tell you what the car needs now or is going to need in the next 10k. It will be the best money you'll ever spend on the car because it will do one of three things:
1. Tell you you don't want this car
2. Help you negotiate a lower price (because the seller is told the results too)
3. Reassure you that the car is in good shape and you should only expect minor and routine maintenance costs going forward.
My PPI told me $2300 was what it would cost me to get the car in shape and after 5 years of owning it it has cost me very little (until the tires I'll be getting Monday but that is normal).