"Go to your local Wal Mart, buy the 5 quart containers of Castrol Syntec 10W-40, a better oil and sells for about $23 per 5qt container, and no shipping............"
Originally Posted by JFP in PA
We have 5 wal-marts in my town and none sell Syntec 10w-40 in the 5 qt jugs. Only 5w-30. Also went searching to many napas, auto zones and advanced auto parts. Same story.
Finally an auto zone guy offered to sell me the 10w-40 qt containers at the same price as the 5w-30 jugs ($28.99). Worked out to be $5.80/qt. More than I wanted to pay but cheaper then the $7.49/qt
Changed the oil and washed the Boxster today and took her for the first ride since Halloween. Seems so much faster now.