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Old 03-11-2010, 02:26 PM   #10
07 Carrera S Cab
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Originally Posted by crod
I am really interested but I need answers (sorry newbie here).
I am pretty much ready to buy a 1999 Boxster in mint condition (20,000 miles on it) with the standard halogen lights.
Will these fit without issues? Simply plug and play?
I just sold my 2006 Cayenne and I do remember on that model, to go from halogen to Xenon it was not that simple. It was really plug and pray for no fire after doing it. It involved several modifications. Resuming: PITA, close to impossible.
Is that the case with the Boxster (1999 model)? If it is plug an play you may have found a buyer.


It is plug and play. You can pop out your old lights, pop in the Xenons, and everything will work. However, there is an additional feature of the lights swiveling up a few degrees to help the highbeam lamps when you turn those on that you will not have unless you also install the litronic control unit which if you can find one, costs another few hundred. I replaced my halogens with these Xenons or Litronics as Porsche calls them, but opted to not install the control unit because I don't very much ever need to use the high beams where I live, as the xenons are plenty light enough. The highbeams without the control unit install will still work, but not nearly as much light if the low beam xenons don't swivel up those extra few degrees to help. Again, I didn't care about that.

Just make sure you get the lights aimed correctly when you pop them in, and you will be good to go.
Current: 07 Carrera S Cab in Midnight Blue

Previous: 01 Boxster in Arctic Silver, 86 944 in Guards Red
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