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Old 03-09-2010, 02:22 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by mptoledo

Ok, i got checked the battery with a meter 12.5 turned the car and on and it was at 11.9, turned the lights on and it started dropping to about 11.7. Took the alternator out(20 minutes). had it tested and the test machine immediately showed an error. Ordered a remanned bosch $208. I will have it in about 2 days and will update you on the results.

Side note: I would not test the alternator by taking off the neg battery cable. I have heard from too many people that this is a no no!!
"Just like advertised"............for future reference, you can use a volt meter to get a "go/no-go" reading on the alternator; if you really want to be able to fully evaluate the entire charging system, consider getting a load tester. Besides being the best way to test the battery, it can also test the alternator output under light and heavy loads, putting the diodes and regulator thru their paces as well. Cost about $50-60 bucks, works on any 6 or 12 V system........and won't kill anything in the process................

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