As mentioned, several things can cause or amplify an imbalance. Adding spacers in addition to amplifying can cause vibes of their own.
Agree w/ jmatta - Modern tires do NOT permanently flat-spot - that issue belonged to the era of stell-belted tires where the steel cords had a permanent 'memory'.
The nylon/kevlar cords used in today's tires do not have a permanernt 'memory' and if the tires misshapen due to underinflation, being cool, etc. and hold a shape, as soon as they're inflated and/or heated up, that memory disappears.
The issue not mentioned here is what is the mileage on the tires? Tires can become imbalanced and out-of-round with mileage. Though it's minor and barely noticed, adding spacers will amplify any effects and imho, that's most likely what you're dealing with here.