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Old 02-11-2010, 01:05 PM   #26
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 73
A few days ago my friend had his new second hand BMW 325 sat on his drive, he was set to head back to uni (engine running) when he heard the doors lock while he was saying his good bye's.

We spent around 20 mins trying to break into it as he didn't have a spare key, in the end we phoned an auto lock smith who said he could guarantee to get in it and be there fast.

The lock smith turns up and starts messing with the door lock, we notice that the temp gauge was rising towards the red.

The lock smith kept going back and forth to his van to try a different tool.

Then the smell started, like hot brakes.

We were saying "Break the window, turn it off" but the auto guy was like (ive nearly got it) them an alarm sounded, like a low pitch buzzing which was definitely a bad sign.

I shouted "break the window!" but he still didn't. He was running around the car hoping that the auto locksmith would win out.

Then there was a cough, a splutter then the car stopped and a huge amount of steam came out from under the hood.

10 seconds later the auto locksmith managed to open the door by using some kind of inflatable pillow in the door corner which allowed him to poke a stick into the car and hit the window release button.

We now know for a fact that the head gasket has gone which is a £400 fix and we don't know what else may have been damaged.

It was horrible watching his new car go from "oh ****************, the doors just locked" to a dead car.

I will never leave my keys in the car and shut the door now. No idea why his doors all locked too which is another mystery.

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