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Old 06-12-2005, 01:38 PM   #2
Tool Pants
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That is nice of you. I would be there if I was not 3,000 miles away.

We have had a few detail days over the years, usually put on by a company rep who is there just to tell us how good X-brand products are. It is like an infomercial.

So last year I did something different. A 996 friend is the PCA concours chairman or something like that. He is a concours judge and puts on a class so that other potential judges can learn. I got an independent Porsche shop to let us use their facility and he showed us how to detail a car. He went through all the products, what he liked and why he did not like some, and showed us how they worked on the cars. Hands on rather than a guy from Meguiar's with a bunch of products sitting on a table

We also arranged to have ding and paint chip guys there. They were brothers. One does the dings and the other does the chips.
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