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Old 06-02-2005, 01:41 PM   #6
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: San Diego, CA
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HPDE events are designed for courteous drivers. You have different run groups based on skill level. Beginner-level run groups generally don't allow passing anywhere except on straights.

The idea is though that you're supposed to be COURTEOUS. If you have someone on your ass and you're obviously holding him back, pull over on the straight and point him by. If you don't follow this procedure, you'll likely get flagged and if you continue, you'll get a black flag.

The big track can be pretty intimidating. Definitely take your time and feel out the track before going ball's-out! Streets of Willow is a lot more forgiving.

I'd love to run the Boxster on a track. I don't know the rules though--is the boxster allowed, since it has roll bars? Generally I would expect it to not be allowed.

It takes over two hours to get to WSIR from North County (San Diego, CA)
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