"Get the Nexen N3000's. Even if you don't get as many miles as NickCats does (or more), they're so cheap that it doesn't matter. I had a new set on my car when I bought it, they were quiet, had good dry and wet traction, stayed in balance, and wore about as well as anything does on a Boxster. "
These really are good tires for the money, hard to imagine a better deal. I use them as my winter tires. They do well in the wet, they are quiet and they wear very well. They are not an especially sticky tire but this too can have its advantages. For one, its easier to break the rear wheels loose when doing sporty driving. Thats kinda of fun sometimes and when you do it with the Nexens, you dont feel like you just left 50.00 worth of PS2 rubber on the road (my summer tires) every time you do it
