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Old 11-03-2009, 06:58 AM   #28
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Posts: 47

my neighbor had a ratty speedster back in the early 70s. they were pretty inexpensive then. this in a town of 2000 in iowa. my first to own was a early 924.
got it from a friend of a friend from texas. it was beat. the odometer had quit at 80,000. carpets all faded and various mechanical problems. but it was still cool and fun to drive. got lots of attention. not very fast tho. from there I found and early intermeccanica speedster and drove it for years as a daily driver. sold it and years later went looking again and found it for sale in hemmings so I bought it back. later sold it and bought an intermeccanina convertible D. that was a cool car too.
went looking again and decided to get the real deal this time. the cost of a replica 356 is now equal to what I got my 2002 boxster for. this makes all of my motoring moments happy
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