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Old 10-30-2009, 07:06 AM   #8
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: kansas
Posts: 447
Around 1983 a friend of my parents had a '69 911T that I sat in. He sold it to a then and now friend of mines dad for $4500 in '84. The dad years later gave the car to my friend. The car was in my driveway last Sunday and still looks immaculate!!! This was the first Porsche I ever sat in. This guy also had a Delorean (sp?) and a cell phone back when they were the size of a toaster oven and $3,000!!!

My Boxster S is the first and only p-car I've ever owned. Had half a dozen bimmers and three or four benz's but I think I've found where I want to be!

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