Thread: Oil Change
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Old 05-21-2003, 11:01 PM   #6
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Omaha
Posts: 3
I am completely new here, but i am seriously interested in getting a used boxter when i get back from deployment. I have read alot of concerning things thou and it seems like that oil changes are differnt on porsches then other vehicles. I have had a Jeep for the past 5 years so whatever info you guys can give on routine maintenance on a boxster would be wonderful.

I specifiaclly would like to know how mcuh a oil change cost at a dealer.

I think i can handle the task myslef since i am a decent guy working with a car, but a boxster is new territory.

How hard is the mid engine to get to and work you how much you spend on the porsceh just to keep it on the road?

Just some things for me to factor in cause I don't want to spend my hard earned money and find out I can't keep the car cause it cost too much to drive!!! Hopefully you guys understand where I am coming from... Thanks again for you help...later

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