Thread: IMS Retrofit
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Old 09-14-2009, 06:12 AM   #10
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My .03

I am in the engineering field (30+ years) and I told Jake once before if this type of quality exhibited by the Boxster was present in the aircraft field, the product would be history. I have already had the water pump, clutch, IMS bearing, motor mount, and MAF replaced. I still have issues with my lifters and other things that are wearing out.

Jake did show me my pieces. The bearing was severly scored (apparently wobbling apart in shaft). The clutch was down to the rivets and the motor mount (which I did see: timing chain like noise centered at oil crankcase) was separated from its insulating material.

With 80K +, my vehicle is worth 8.5K $US on the market. I had to spend half of that to bring it where it is now. And if I didn't go through Jake, who knows? I hate stuff that doesn't work.
To me it's more economical to fix rather that spend more to buy something else.
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