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Old 09-08-2009, 06:59 AM   #27
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Posts: 30
Beats rollerskating

Originally Posted by Jake Raby
I'll post some pics of the IMS bearing tomorrow.. It was loose inside the shaft and the noise was coming from that more than actual roller/ race wear..

First time I had seen this.. basically the internal snap ring was the only thing holding it in place..

Jake, thanks for keeping me out of the tank with my 80K mile boxster. And thank you for the tour and explaining (illustrating) the work you did.
For everyone out there, Jake found the following things needing repair for my vehicle.
1. IMS bearing (replaced)
2. Shot clutch, plate and bearing (replaced)
3. worn lifters (will fix later)
4. worn time chain tensioners (will fix later)
5. Bad MAF sensor (to be fixed)
6. crack front motor mount (to be fixed)
7. crack ignition coils (to be fixed)
8. shot water pump (replaced)

I am personally going to attack the mount and MAF sensor next.

Jake, it was obvious you’re passionate about your work. I used to work with an old auto mechanic while I was attending school and he use to tell me that it was such a pleasure to talk to someone who really knew their stuff, and the pleasure was all mine.

I was fortunate that the water pump noise emanated to the crank case wall alterting me that someting bad was happening. Pure luck I contacted you. I will have to watch my "patient" more closely in the future and I know where the doctor's office is....

For all of you Boxster owners out there, Jake's the man.
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