Thread: Dex Cool Issues
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Old 09-07-2009, 08:04 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by blue2000s
Just so I understand then, you've never had a customer state that they added only dex cool and had the coolant gel? You've only seen it when they added something else too?
No, that is not correct. We have had multiple clients tell us that the gelation happened just after they added DexCool; we have also been told that gelation occurred when other brands were used as well, and that the use of cooling system additives also led to the issue.

When I say that "we have to go on what we are told"; we were not standing there when it was done, we only have the client's word as to what actually happened and the evidence of the end result, but as we have been told the same thing more than once by different oweners (sometimes by the individual that actually did it), have no reason to suspect what we are being told.

I really don’t understand the apparent need to find a substitute coolant for these cars; the OEM stuff is actually quite good, long lived and seems to protect well, is readily available and not particularly expensive. Considering the potential consequences of guessing wrong on a replacement, I fail to see why anyone even bothers…………….

Last edited by JFP in PA; 09-07-2009 at 08:48 AM.
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