Man you guys %&*ing ROCK! I couldn't get close to this good of information from the fiat blogs. Tomorrow is the day then, many thanks to blueS. Serendipitously, the intake camshaft is almost spot on it's mark, the exhaust cam is only off about a half inch and the crank mark is 1/2 a turn from spec. We are not talking about huge moves so I'm going to use your method with a long screwdriver verify the pistons are all "below deck" then make the turn on the exhaust valves and the halfy turn on the crank and pray to a loving god that everything misses everything else.
IMPORTANT: Once the cams are on target you say to move the crank, is there any chance of a valve strike during this crucial step?
Last edited by eightsandaces; 09-05-2009 at 04:29 AM.