Thread: Water Pump
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Old 09-01-2009, 12:49 PM   #30
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I’m sure that the infra red pyrometer is measuring the surface within its stated limit of accuracy; that said, the thermally conductive outside of a casting is not an accurate reading of the circulating oil or coolant. If you want to accurately monitor them, you need to have probes immersed in the actual fluid while it is circulating; and not trying to interpret the fluid temps by inference from the outside of the casting.

Accurate, and closely tested temperature gauges attached to the M96 with their probes inserted into the fluids while running consistently show much higher temps than you see on the outside with a non contact pyrometer, often 35-45 degrees F higher, even at the surface of the oil cooler. We have collected data off of multiple M96 engines in this manner, and have never seen a non contact unit get even close to the actual temperatures. So, no, I do not trust or believe in non contact measurement as being anything more than an inference or presumption of the actual operational temperatures of the fluids…….
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