Thread: Water Pump
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Old 09-01-2009, 12:33 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA
Actually, as I already own two of them, a look up is not required,
Ya I guess not, ... perfect. You just saved me about an hour and a half trying to explain and key in what it's all about.

So, with this one, Ive measured quite a few different materials (including my head, including aluminum) and from different distances in different ambient environments etc. pretty accurately (used a standard scientific thermometer to verify a few). At the Lab I've seen them take pretty precise measurements at at least 1400 degrees. The only thing I can't measure is flame.

Since all it it sees is infared (IR), not the material or you or me, and the IR is all the same no matter where it comes from, and all it does is measure the intensity iradience) of the IR. Why do you think it can't accurately read the temp of this particular aluminum alloy of the sump?

Listen, I really appreciate you humoring me and sticking around. I think I just have one more thing that doesn't quite compute for me, and then I'll leave you alone.

It's sounding like this may be a genuine good thing.

Regards, PK
99 Supercharged 2.5L

Last edited by pk2; 09-01-2009 at 12:42 PM.
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