Thread: Water Pump
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Old 09-01-2009, 12:59 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA
The problem is your methodology; you are not measuring the actual temperature of the flowing oil, you are measuring the outside metal of the sump using and indirect (non contact) method…………..there is no way your oil is circulating at 188F if you are running the OEM stat……………The M96’s coolant is pulling heat out of the oil once the engine is up to operating temperature, the oil typically is running 20-30F higher than the coolant…………………….
JFP in PA,

Working on a rebuttal. Have dyslexia but good. Takes forever to write something legible.

You make some good points but I think I have you on a few. To one point, you might look-up "digital laser pyrometer" on Wikipedia or wiki-answers (for simple answer).

Regards, PK
99 Supercharged 2.5L
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