Do not drive that car 2 miles!! Trying to limp the car anywhere could lead to a catastrophic failure, I see this happen ALL THE TIME!
The Dealer probably doesn't know what this is.. Their only recommendations for you will be engine replacement, more than likely, because they are parts changers...
It'll cost you more at the Dealer and you'll get less service... Dealership techs call me for information about the internals of these engines quite frequently because most have never accomplished more than resealing of cam covers...
I can have a tow truck dispatched to your location within minutes and they don't charge Atlanta prices.. People send me cars from all the way across the country, because no one locally understands their engine... You are local and you should take advantage of my location. Repairs and heavy internal maintenance that others have no experience with are my specialty.
What ever you do, DO NOT drive or run that car any longer!! Doing so, and trying to save a towing fee could compromise the entire engine. You MUST work from worst case scenario and nothing else.. Right now if the IMS bearing or a tensioner has gone bad we can save the engine, after a full blown failure we can't.
I was not asking about the oil due to the weight, I recently have found certain characteristics with a certain oil that has me very concerned in two different engines.