I didn't ask anyone for a business plan. I just wanted to know if there was any interest in something like that. Don't give me all the negatives. I know about them. I did not ask for prices or feasibility or practicality.
However since you brought it up, let's start with a list of things that this hypothetical Wrench Garage would have to offer. I will start with a few things.
1. An AC and heated space that is well lighted.
2. Unisex toilet.
3. Clean up sink for hands etc.
4. Changing room with lockers.
5. Wi-Fi internet.
6. Oil disposal barrel and trash disposal service.
7. Power outlets.
8. Safe location
9. Floor clean up equipment and supplies.
10. Basic tools.
11. Floor jacks/stands.
12. Secured parking.
Please add to the list

but keep it real.