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Old 08-19-2009, 03:22 AM   #2
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Yeah, my car was going through some of the same issues and symptoms last fall. Initially, it was just hesitant to turn over, then (pretty quickly) it stranded me away from home. Called my son, who came and jump-started me. Drove home, trickle charged it, and it was good temporarily.

I was going to go to a local AutoZone to get some diagnostics done, when I experienced the same signs you saw: blinking lights, windows acting as if they were possessed by some sort of demons. The engine was still running---sort of: low RPMs and not responsive to the accelerator. Fortunately, I was uphill from and close to my house. I coasted into a driveway, pushed it back onto the street with the wheel cocked, and coasted home.

Turned out to be the alternator.

Search "battery" and "alternator"; there's lots of info on both. Here's one thread to 'get you started' (excuse the pun ): Replace or Recharge Battery

If it's the alternator, fixing it yourself isn't terribly difficult. I did it, and I'm no mechanic.
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