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Old 08-06-2009, 02:34 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by jmatta
Our focus is on what works and keeps the M96 alive, not what Porsche recommends……….

I think Porsche's recommendations are based on what puts euros in their pockets, hence the Mobil 1 fill.

While we have no basis to assume that is correct; the so-called "approved oil" list has been highly suspect for a long time. Oils that were approved, suddenly no longer are, there is an obvious penchant for very thin (0W and 5W oils) products, way beyond what would be called for due to low ambient temperatures Worst of all, there is no explanation for their selection process; why one product is blessed, while others are not. Add in their obvious inability to set and maintain a consistent maintenance cycle for changing the recommended oils, and you have no real basis for making any decisions. Yet, we are supposed to accept their constantly shifting “dictums” at face value. Sorry, but I cannot……….I’ve been around this marquee far too long and have personally witnessed Porsche make such recommendations, only to see them reversed or totally replaced with something else. Kind of reminds me of Gilda Radner’s character on the old “Saturday Night Live” who would get caught being totally wrong in mid rant, and then suddenly say “Never mind!”

We are therefore left to educate ourselves about what oil parameters are important, run dozens of used oil analysis, collect, and analyze data to determine what seems to matter and what does not…………and stop depending upon Porsche as the font of all knowledge about the M96 engine…..after all, it has had the shortest duration of the number of years (10-12) in service of any of their engines in recent memory, only to be replaced by a totally new design……

Last edited by JFP in PA; 08-06-2009 at 02:39 PM.
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