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Old 08-06-2009, 01:32 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Sputter
I'm curious why 10w over 5w? IIRC, (i don't have my list in front of me), 5w40 made the Oil TSB but not 10w. The 05w40 syntec is being processed for approval. I'm assuming they made a change to it?

  • We tried both weights and liked the overall performance and UOA's for the 10W-40 better (parameters like TBN, etc.)
  • We also learned to ignore the oil TSB/"approved lists" as there are products that they "approve" which are nearly impossible to obtain, and others that simply do not hold up well, and the basis of what is "approved" and what isn't is suspect..........

Our focus is on what works and keeps the M96 alive, not what Porsche recommends……….
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