Thread: Dex Cool Issues
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Old 07-22-2009, 06:06 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by lizBox
ok, I know coolant flavours have been beaten to death on this and other forums. But I gotta ask yet another time.

I have been to every single auto parts store in my area. No one has any of the brands listed on Mike Focke's page or the various other threads.

I can find Prestone Dex Cool. I can not find Havoline or Texaco Dex Cool. Is Prestone Dex Cool the same? Any issue with using it if i do a through flush first?

My local Porsche dealer claims that the *only* time they use Porsche coolant is when they're refilling entire system under warranty work. Else they top it or fill it with generic Prestone. This comment has made me even more leery about taking the boxster in to them. I may have to drive to another dealer that's 2.5 hours away.
If you could see the nightmares we have had to deal with that were caused by mixing the OEM coolant with aftermarket stuff (gelled lumps in the cooling system, plugged radiators, etc.), as well as the service bills they caused, you would view the use of the OEM coolant as cheap insurance…………
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