Originally Posted by dja1980
Just out of curiosity, why do some people white out their license plates when posting pictures on the internet? It’s not like a license plate number is private information… especially when you can stand on the corner of a busy intersection and write down as many license plate number as you want. Is there some additional risk by having it visible on the internet?
BTW... awesome pictures!!!
I don't think it is a security issue, but for me personally, I sometimes do this because I've had people who have seen my car on a Porsche board and then run into me at a gathering and then tell me that they know me from seeing my car (and plate) from a website. Not a big deal, but if you want to stay anonymous, better to blank the plate. Also, if you post with your plate, and then post a response to a "what's the fastest you drove your car" thread, then you might get attention you don't want.
I've also seen people steal other peoples' pictures of their cars in their advertisements for stuff like bodykits and other products, and I really wouldn’t want my plate to be shown on their website (mine's a vanity plate). All in all, not really a big deal, but just personal preference.
Btw, what ever happened to the little "project" the OP of this thread was supposed to do? Never heard back after we posted all our nice photos. Hope he's not gonna use our photos in some advertisement.