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Old 06-08-2009, 06:26 PM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Posts: 92
Why not Pioneer and Kenwwod?

Of course these were the fist I checked.

Both are quite slow at start-up, Pioneer F series has a smaller screen. I do not like the extra buttons and I love the clean look of a 7" screen. I also prefer the piano black color for the unit over the mate black (commonly used in Kenwood's, which I find overpriced).

Generally, there is no in-dash GPS unit that satisfies all my preferences. My "research" have found the JVC unit a good overall unit and the Alpine a very good music player with not amazing GPS features.

I have all my music in SD cards (there are good and bad things about that, but this is how it is now) so I do not really care about ipod connectivity (a minus with the JVC unit and a big plus with Pioneer units).

Anyways, I have decided not to follow the two big players (Pioneer and Kenwood). What I am looking for is a "clean", piano lack (or shiny black), 7" GPS unit, with an SD music player option, descent and fast GPS functionality and a speaker amp that (hopefully) can power my rear speakers without changing the amp for a 6 channel one. I may be mistaken but the JVC does all these flawlessly. However, I am not sure how it would look like when installed in the Boxster.

I am open for new ideas though :-)
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