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Old 05-31-2009, 12:57 PM   #5
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Posts: 31
Exclamation I need help too, PLEASE

Glad this thread was open...just what I needed.
Went to get the old '01 Boxster out for a nice sunny drive today and discovered the Battery was dead.
Not the first time after sitting with out the maintainer on it, but anyway, I got the other car, pulled out the emergency fuse (+) hooked the (-) the door hinge, had the key in the door just like I have done a couple of other times and to my horror, NOTHING happened when I pulled up on the hood switch.
I know that I have contact, because when I turn the key in the door to the right the horn honks, turn it again to the left, pull up on the hood switch and still NOTHING

Right now I am SOL. Worst case scenario, I don't even know how I would get the car out of the garage (tiptronic), if I had to take the car somewhere.

Could I find a trickle charger that has a cigar lighter plug and charge a dead battery enough to start the car???
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