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Old 05-14-2009, 11:34 AM   #28
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Posts: 193
How about a little balance here? 911s until atleast the early 90's had solid flywheels. Some of the early 911s even had cranks without counterweights. No harmonic balancers. None of these had breakage issues.

As for the "using your brain" comments - there isn't alot of info out there, and alot of it is purposefully mis-info. Does an Aasco lwfw come with a warning like "hey, this things gonna break your crank"? If they really had that tendancy, would they still be selling them? Jakes examples are a small statistical sample set, and under extreme conditions. If you're into sidestepping the clutch throttle down, stuff is going to break. There is driver error involvement. That said, I do appreciate Jakes efforts here.
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