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Old 05-06-2009, 09:48 PM   #6
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I think there's one other thing your not addressing, the thermostat itself. Is it opening all the way? Flush water through the radiators for a quick cleaning and start the car and allow to run up to temp. Do not run the A/C.

1. Do the fans kick on? Yes, does the temp cool down and the fans stop? Yes, no problem.

2. Do the fans kick on? Yes, does the temp cool down and the fans stop? No, Possible coolant flow problem.
a. Bad pump (impeller blades coming apart and not moving fluid).
b. Thermostat not opening all the way (replace).

3. Do the fans kick on? No, troubleshoot electrical problem. Not enough airflow to cool the coolant.

Our radiators are well away from the engine, unlike most cars where the coolant is in and out of the radiator in just a couple of feet. Ours travels the length of the car and cools on the way to the nose and cools on the way back. There is no way you should have a temp of 200-205 degrees. Living in TX you're going to want to fix this before it gets really hot.

Good luck
Sadly on the outside looking in.
"Drive it like the Doctor ordered"
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