Thread: Dumping coolant
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Old 04-27-2009, 05:59 PM   #6
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Posts: 7

I'm facing a similar problem (See thread "Mysterious coolant leak").

In my case, coolant is dumping around the right rear axle area, which seems to be an overflow from the expansion tank.

We replaced thermostat, pressure cap and bleeder valve, but that didn't fix the problem.

Two possibilities:

1/- Air pocket in the coolant system expanding with the heat, pushes the coolant up thru the pressure cap and overflow. Solution: check that the coolant system is purged from any air, thru the bleeder valve (Use "vacuum method")

2/- The dreadful but less likely head gasket leak (seems to be a favorite among some in the industry). Have exhaust gases analyzed for water vapor and coolant analyzed for presence of hydro-carbons.

I'm not an expert, but this is where I'm at right now. I'm getting the car back to the shop tomorrow to investigate the above possibilities.

Good luck and let the rest of us know what you find out.

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