Originally Posted by tonkasdog
When I shine a light down the pipe you can see the hole at the back but you can also see more metal directly behind the hole, it's even scored by the drill bit & I'm sure I would of gone through this if I'd carried on pushing. Does anyone know what this will be and should I drill through this as well? The sound is better and I'll be taking it out later to test drive. Cheers
I'd bet that you are seeing the outer shell of the muffler. DO NOT drill through that.
I'll be borrowing one of my Dad's long drill bits early next week.
BTW, I would guess that you are only hearing the difference in sound at low RPM because at higher RPM, the volume and velocity of the air keeps it moving through the big holes in the existing pipes as opposed to the tiny drilled holes. At slower speed, there is less air moving, and it can get through the smaller holes.
I'll put a DB meter on it before and after to see what difference in sound level it makes.