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Old 04-12-2009, 09:37 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by fragdude
You can't judge a cars top speed by its horsepower alone. Like you said, leaving body weight (doesn't effect top speed much)

I had a Camaro SS a few years back that had over 330hp, but couldn't go 170 mph...

Didnt i just said "on a purely engine standpoint" on my original post.
That DOES NOT include other variables such as weight, aerodynamics, gear ratios, roll resistance , driving techniques...etc..etc...

Weight doesn't effect top speed much? I guess that 500lbs+ weight diference between the Celica, and the Elise is not a big factor at all (same identical engines) ; and how about the hulking weight of the Camaros??

Last edited by spine911; 04-13-2009 at 07:56 AM.
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